décés d'hubert selby jr. - Arts & Lecture - Discussions
Marsh Posté le 01-05-2004 à 13:33:52
Marsh Posté le 01-05-2004 à 20:41:22
Arf, pas beaucoup de réponses. Pourtant il y a pas mal de fans de Requiem for a dream sur ce forum. Triste nouvelle quand même.
Marsh Posté le 01-05-2004 à 21:10:48
Quoi dire d'autre que "Ça craint." ?
Requiem for a Dream est un putain de film culte. L'un de mes préférés. Réussir à te faire aimer coûte que coûte la vie en te montrant l'horreur la plus totale, moi je dis chapeau.
J'suis en train de lire Retour à Brooklyn, et ma prochaine lecture, c'est sans doute Le Démon. D'ailleurs, si vous en avez à conseiller...
Marsh Posté le 01-05-2004 à 21:23:57
Last exit to Brooklyn, le seul que je connaisse et c'est très bon.
Marsh Posté le 01-05-2004 à 21:24:36
K2R2 a écrit : Arf, pas beaucoup de réponses. Pourtant il y a pas mal de fans de Requiem for a dream sur ce forum. Triste nouvelle quand même. |
Quant toi ou quelqu'un de ton entourage meurt on lui fait jamais un topic alors pourquoi un inconnu?
M'enfin RIP
Marsh Posté le 01-05-2004 à 21:26:59
napalm57 a écrit : Quant toi ou quelqu'un de ton entourage meurt on lui fait jamais un topic alors pourquoi un inconnu? |
C'est une occasion comme une autre (un peu tardive, je te le concède...) de rappeller que c'était un bon écrivain
Marsh Posté le 01-05-2004 à 22:44:09
napalm57 a écrit : Quant toi ou quelqu'un de ton entourage meurt on lui fait jamais un topic alors pourquoi un inconnu? |
Inconnu, inconnu, c'est juste l'un des plus grands écrivains américains du XXème siècle. Un p'tit hommage ça ne fait de mal à personne.
Marsh Posté le 03-05-2004 à 16:11:24
Pour moi ce qu'il a fait est veritablement très fort.
Il faut lire plusieurs livres de Selby pour gouter à la misère de notre époque.
"Le Démon" est tout à fait le livre qui m'aura le plus marqué, c'est mon deuxième écrivain preferé, même avant Bukowski.
Marsh Posté le 03-05-2004 à 16:30:27
Tiens serait ce des livres interessants a lire pour un jeune avide de faits actuels ???
Marsh Posté le 01-05-2004 à 08:13:14
hubert selby jr est decedé, on assiste là tristement à la mort d'un des plus grands génies de la litterature americaine

http://www.cunepress.com/cunemagaz [...] /selby.jpg
http://www.amazon.fr/exec/obidos/s [...] 36-9294566
son oeuvre à jamais restera eternelle;ecrivain digne des hemingway,fante,faulkner,shelby rentre au pantheon des immortels genies de la culture litteraire americaine!
adios l'ami.
Author Hubert Selby Jr. dies
Associated Press
LOS ANGELES -- Hubert Selby Jr., the acclaimed and anguished author of "Last Exit to Brooklyn" and "Requiem for a Dream," died Monday of a lung disease, his wife said. He was 75.
Selby died of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease at his home in the Highland Park section of Los Angeles, said his wife of 35 years, Suzanne.
Born in New York City, Selby's experience among Brooklyn's gritty longshoremen, homeless and the down-and-out formed the basis for his lauded 1964 novel "Last Exit to Brooklyn," which was made into a film in 1989.
"It was a seminal piece of work. It broke so many traditions," said Jim Regan, head of the master's of professional writing program at the University of Southern California, where Selby taught as an adjunct professor for the past 20 years.
"There was that generation of writers: William Burroughs, Henry Miller, and there was Hubert Selby. And he's one of the last of that generation, of some of the greatest writers in this country."
Suzanne Selby said her late husband was kind and generous but in recent years suffered from depression and occasionally would launch into rages.
"He screamed, he yelled, he broke things," she said. "But he did not have rages when he was writing."
Selby shared screenwriting credit on the 2000 film version of his 1978 novel "Requiem for a Dream," a harrowing look inside a family's many addictions. His other novels include "The Room" (1971), "The Demon" (1976) and "The Willow Tree" (1998). A collection of short stories, "Song of the Silent Snow," was published in 1986.
Selby continued to work on screenplays and teach at USC until he was hospitalized last month. He had been in and out of the hospital in recent weeks and died with his wife by his side, she said.
He contracted tuberculosis as a child and had suffered from breathing problems ever since, Suzanne Shelby said. He was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease several years ago.
Selby often wrote at an apartment he kept in West Hollywood. He worked in a bedroom there for at least five hours most days, and always left one line unfinished at night to have a place to start the next morning, Suzanne Selby said.
She said that he had battled addictions, but while much of his work dealt with the topic, he always wrote while sober and had not had any alcohol or any drugs since 1969.
Along with his wife, he is survived by four children and 11 grandchildren.
Message édité par benji_toy le 01-05-2004 à 08:27:33